Summer SUMMIT 2023
It’s SUMMIT time again! Our fast-paced Rounds Tournament in TM²C looms on the horizon.
This are the seven maps to be conquered this time:
89282 – 147529 – 224379 – 11148 – 135542 – 75749 – 232128

See ‘ya on Tuesday, 13th June @ 20:30 CEST on our Event-Server.
Happy hunting!
Event Schedule H1/2023
Now that the biggest event this year in TrackMania 2 has ended, we’re back on track with our APEX Monthly Series. This year we’ll (as expected) bring back the thrill of our evergreen formats LEVEL9 and The SUMMIT, but there’s a new (hunting) event format looming on the horizon too. No promises that this new event will make it into this years event calendar though (it depends on a few things I still need to take care of before we’ll be able to launch it).
LEVEL9: 28th March / 25th April / 16th May
SUMMIT: 13th June; Map-Reveal 6th June

You want to be part of the APEX events? No problem. Our tournaments are open for everyone – just read the rules, join our event server before 20:30 CEST and have some fun with the community. More details about our events can be found on Maniacalendar, on the respective event homepage or get in touch with us on our discord server.